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Lynn Pennec

Possoz n°2

Deuxième blog post mais 30 semaines de boulot pour le moment. Encore 50 devant nous!

Cette semaine nous apporte des avances en pose d'isolation et d'étanchéité, des travaux minutieux de création de colonnes montantes et de passage de câbles dans les logements, de pose de nouvelles menuiseries et une fin, bientôt, de gros oeuvre dans la crèche!

Second blog post for this project, but 30 weeks of work so far. Only 50 more to go!

This past week has brought us closer to finishing the roof insulation and waterproofing, tedious work of creating primary and secondary electricity network in the apartments, continuing to mount the new windows and soon, the end of the new concrete in the daycare center!

Finishing up the insulation and waterproofing

A view from the rooftop
New balcony created on the 2nd floor

One of our new windows on the north side, anodized bronze.
New balcony waiting for windows, cladding, floor treatment and railings.

The masonry base for the new curved wooden structure

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